Blue Shield Promise Plans Licensing

Blueshield Promise Plans

Note: Blue Shield Promise Plan contracting is different from Blue Shield MAPD plans. In order to contract with a Blue Shield MAPD Plan follow steps for Blue Shield Licensing.

Step 1

  • Email CISA to request access to the training calendar.

Step 2

  • CISA will email you the training calendar. On the calendar you will see available training dates, times, and locations.

Step 3

  • RSVP for a specific date, time, and location by emailing Albert Ojeda.

Please bring the following documents when attending the training.

  2019 AHIP, Life/Health License, and your E&O Certificate.

  • During training on the contracting paper work please put WMC Beta Benefits as your upline.
  • If  you do not have the proper documentation on the day of training you will have to email Blue Shield at those documents in order to complete your certification.